
What can Advicom do for you

The services of Advicom consist of:

  • using business intelligence successfully in your business
  • business and IT-alignment
  • information management
  • ICT as a means for innovation
  • architecture: information architecture and business architecture
  • consultancy
  • giving support in projects
  • making analyses
  • designing databases
  • solving data warehouse / business intelligence problems
  • functional management / supporting user groups
  • project and content management for car lease companies during software transitions to Miles

using business intelligence successfully in your business

Business Intelligence (BI) is often looked upon from a technical perspective. Although this is very important, viewing at it from a business perspective is as important, as is looking at it from a data perspective. The business must be able to benefit from BI. In order to do that, the business must have a clear view of how the business processes can use BI in order to excel. For BI gathering data timely, completely and accurately is a prerequisite. In getting the business to do this many problems must be overcome. Sometimes this takes years to accomplish.

business and IT-alignment

IT must support the business. The business must be able to specify what IT must supply. The business need must be translated to IT specifications. The business must take the lead in this. In many organizations it is the other way around. IT shows possibilities and gives new ideas. This may lead to an IT supply that is not aligned with what the business should want. Advicom gladly helps to solve this problem.

information management

Information is a hugely important asset for organizations. In order to exploit information we need information systems, operational and for business intelligence. Keeping a good overview on these information systems and managing what happens with them is a major challenge. Information systems have to be well connected and have to present themselves to the users in a clear way. The data of the information systems must be interchangeable, and it must be possible to use the data for business intelligence. This makes information management an important field.

IT as a means for innovation

In many organizations the work on IT is done in order to keep the existing information systems running. Ever more modern and with ever better and flexible means. E.g. 'any device anywhere'. This looks like innovation, but innovation should be a way to implement new products, new ways of working, being able to produce more efficient or with better quality, to work on a different (larger) scale, being able to sell products in other countries, etcetera.

architecture: information architecture and business architecture

An important field is the architecture of the information systems. ADVICOM is focused on the information architecture and the business architecture. These are areas for which there is too little interest. In most cases this is not right. Architecture can help to focus IT. Architecture helps to direct. This helps in order to work in the right direction.

consultancy: advising the client

Many clients of automation projects need someone who:
  • gives them a listening ear
  • can help them specify their requirements
  • can ask suppliers critical questions
  • can evaluate suppliers (not just for the aspect of pricing, but especially for quality delivered, reliability, continuity and being able to execute the desired work)
  • can help with negotiating contracts
  • can help formulate orders for suppliers
  • helps assessing the problems the organization has with automating things

input in projects

Giving input in projects by Advicom is for information planning, quality management, coaching analysts and database designers. In this Advicom is not only involved in analysis and design, but also in quality assurance of the analyses and database designs made. In that respect the analysis and database design are not only sufficient for building an application, but they should be fit for:
  • alignment with already existing databases and applications
  • future applications that will be developed
  • wishes originating from data warehousing and business intelligence (e.g. Big Data applications) / possibilities for management information


The making of an analysis by Advicom is split up in:
  • writing down requirements
  • data modeling
  • analyses of the business processes

making a database design

One of the activities of Advicom can be the making of a database design. A good data model can be transformed in a good database design. Next to that many considerations may alter that design, but starting with a data model gives a better design. The database should be designed in order to be able to use the database in a convenient way. The structure must be supportive of the business process and of a good administrative organization. This leads to a more flexible use. This will also benefit the making of queries. See our course / workshop SQL (in English).

establishing data warehouses or data lakes/ using Business Intelligence and Big Data

Establishing a data warehouse or data lakes and using them for Business Intelligence and or Big Data is one of the major challenges. This goes for the builders as well as for the clients. The advantages are great and can help a business make huge leaps in their profitability. The establishing is in most cases a great challenge, technically and organizationally. Advicom gladly helps you with this. E.g. with:
  • coaching in the thought process of making a good setup
  • developing of the setup
  • analyzing of the source systems
  • arranging the design of the data storage
  • the setup of the data marts or the data lake
  • conceiving how Business Intelligence can be used in the most optimal way
  • second opinion for decisions

functional management / coaching of user groups

When information systems are in use the work is not finished. Whether you have specially developed software or bought standard software. Software must support the business process optimally. It takes a lot of work to do this. Not only initially but also in order to maintain an optimal use over time. Functional management plays a important role in this. Functional management discovers deficiencies. Users are central in this. During their work they discover what is missing, what can be better, what should done differently. In order to find out what the users discover they are often organized in user groups. These user groups must be coached. Advicom gladly helps you with this. E.g. with:
  • finding (or the coaching of finding) requirements
  • coaching user groups

project and content management for car lease companies during software transitions to Miles

Car lease companies are not able to successfully migrate to Miles software of Sofico with on their part only a project manager. The staff of the car lease company needs extended support in what they have to do in bringing about the transition. The staff lacks the right skills for this because it is not their daily work. Next to that they lack the time to perform their tasks next to their normal work. Advicom gladly helps you with this, delivering:
  • the project manager
  • the content manager who will assist the staff (next to a lot of other things)
  • giving advice during the phase in which the scope of the project needs to be clarified