With the exception of the book "Requirements" the books are written in Dutch.
Requirements (Third edition)
ISBN 978 90 828880 4 1 (3rd edition November 2021)
This book is the third edition. It has been extended with 4 chapters, 122 extra pages, that give a more in depth view of a number of subjects.
This book is used in our Dutch course Requirements Specificeren / Opstellen Requirements. In that course the participants learn to specify requirements for (information) systems.
Requirements (Second edition)
ISBN 978 90 828880 2 7 (2nd edition August 2019)
This book is the second edition. It has been extended with 6 chapters that give a more in depth view of a number of subjects.
The second edition is also available in English
ISBN 978 90 82888 034 (2nd edition December 2019)
Requirements (First edition)
ISBN 978 90 828880 0 3 (1st print 2018)
This book has been translated into English
ISBN 978 90 82888 010 (1st print 2018)
ISBN 978 90 395 2618 7 (1st print 2010)
This book is used in our Dutch course Data Modeling using the ER-model. In that course the participants learn how they can make a data model using information analysis.
Databases en SQL
ISBN 978 90 395 2617 0 (4th print 2010; first published in 1996)
This book is used in our Dutch course SQL. In that course the participant learns to make queries ranging from simple to very complicated ones. Next to that this book is used in our Dutch course Database Technologie en Ontwerp. In that course the participant learns what databases are, what they are used for and how to design them.
Written together with Peter van Til: Business Intelligence: De eenduidige informatieomgeving en de gevolgen voor de organisatie
ISBN 978 90 12 12575 8 (1st print 2008; first published in 2008)
This book is used in our Dutch course Datawarehouses and Business Intelligence.
In that course we elaborate on Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse technology needed for Business Intelligence.Next to that the book is used in the Dutch course Datamodeling for Business Intelligence / BI (stermodels, cubes, data vault). In this course the attendee learns to design star models, cubes and data vault like solutions for the central data warehouse.
ISBN 90 440 0761 0 (4th print 2003; first published in 1995; can only still be obtained from ADVICOM)
Praktijkboek Databases
ISBN 90 267 1177 8 (first published in 1989; can only be obtained from ADVICOM)
Uitwerkingen bij Praktijkboek Databases
ISBN 90 267 1428 9 (first published in 1989; can only be obtained from ADVICOM)
Programmeertalen voor Databases
SQL en CODASYL 1981 / ISBN 90 267 1335 5 (first published in 1987;
can only be obtained from ADVICOM)